Join us
If you love music in any form and the organ, in particular, then please join us!
We arrange visits to impressive organs and intriguing venues, not just in our area. We are looking to work with a variety of music groups and organisations where the organ can play a part.
There are social and educational events too: talks, concerts and “how to sessions” and events for all the family.

President: Malcolm Archer FRCO
Chairman: Geoff Willis 01252 815802
Secretary: Gillian Lloyd 01483 570586
Treasurer: Jeff Lloyd 01483 570586
Our Annual Subscription rates for 2024 (with electronic comms):
Individual (including Senior) £15 / yr
Family £20 / yr
Student (first year free) £10 / yr
Members of other IAO affiliated assocs. £10 / yr
For printed newsletters, please add £5 per year to all categories
The Organists’ Review is available at the discounted members’ rate to all NHOA members wishing to subscribe to it. It contains detailed articles about organs, composers, performers and playing. A comprehensive review section covers new organ and choral recordings, music and books. The lively education section is designed to appeal to players of all standards. The Organists’ Review is also available to non-members at the full subscription rate.

We organise extended tours across the UK lasting about a week and every two years we have an overseas tour where we can get immersed in other musical ideas and sample different cultures.
At our NHOA’s ARK sessions, you will find a small group getting together, usually at someone’s home, to discuss and play in an informal environment.